Roles in the family and finance
Today we talked a lot about fathers and finance but also talked about how mothers and fathers work together to help take care of their families. Fathers are usually the ones that provide, preside and protect their families while the mothers are usually home to nurture and take care of children. Through the Church of Jesus Christ we have the family proclamation and it talks about how mothers have a role to nurture and be with their children and fathers provided and protected and stuff. We were talking about how these days there are a lot of moms and dads who both work and how the roles of both parents would play out. Sometimes the women have the opportunity to make more money than their husband and they want the women to work and have the dad stay home and work less. This takes away the roles of both parents and what they should do. I don't think it's a wrong thing to do, sometimes that's just what's best for the family but if it doesn't really matter it's bette...