

This week we have been able to talk about communication. In my opinion I think communication is the key to any good relationships. In my generation I feel like communication has gone downhill. Most people now only communicate through texting or social media platforms. Honestly I do see why people like to communicate through texting and social media because it is easier and faster and they don't have to face them if you're texting them something that is scary or hard to text. The bad thing about it is sometimes you can text someone something and they can take it in a whole different way that interpreted it to mean something mean or hateful. I honestly feel if you can communicate with someone in person and express how you feel you are able to see how they feel and you can work it out on the spot. With my Ex he would mostly only communicate through texting. We would be with each other in person and act kind of sad and I would ask what's wrong and he would say nothing or make up an excuse and then when I got home he would text me and be like I am so sorry this is the real reason that's wrong. It made our relationship kind of a mess because he wouldn't be honest with me in person and then he would take things I said back in a wrong way and then it would cause a mess. Eventually I told him he needed to communicate with me in person and he said okay and just never did. Communication is just so important and helps you with your emotions and helps your relationship be more successful. 

    We also talked about five steps of communication. Number one was disarming tech, number two is empathy, number three is inquiry and number four "I feel statements' ' and number five is stroking "stating something you admire". One of the steps that I liked was empathy. When you feel empathy for others you feel love for them on a whole different level. It shows the person that is struggling how much you care and you build each other's trust. We also talked about how Empathy is saying your thoughts not holding in what you are feeling. I at least think when you ask someone if they are okay they shouldn't say I am fine or okay or good when they really aren't it's not okay you are pushing your feelings away. You don't have to open up to someone right away but at least acknowledge that you aren't okay. Don't push your feelings away. 

    I also really liked talking about the "Disarming tech". Disarming tech is when you are in a fight with someone and the other gets really mad at you and tells you how you are feeling, you agree with them and it helps communication. Say you broke up with someone and they said I hate you, this is all your fault that we broke up, you could say you know what I you're right. I did break up with you and I am really sorry. You are telling the truth of what happened and you're not arguing back and forth and causing more conflict. Usually when you can be truthful like that it helps the other see you know what sorry I was treating you like crap. It helps with communication. I know it is really hard to be open and honest and tell the truth because you don't want them to know they were right. But if you do, you will grow so much together and feel each other's love a lot more!

I know communication is important and we should strive to do what we can to communicate and be open with our feelings even if it is really hard. 


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